About The Club


The Hamilton Gun Club in Ontario was established in the year 1882. The first site was located at the Dundas Marsh on Gage Inlet. In August 1893, the Club moved to the south side of The Race Track Association grounds in Dundas. In 1900, the Club moved again, to Chappel Farm, on the southeast corner of Barton and Ottawa Streets. The Club purchased the Harris Farm on Jones Inlet on the Bayshore in 1906, and a club house was built. The Property, was sold to The Hamilton Harbour Commission in 1953, and the Club moved again.

The present site was acquired in 1953 on Highway 20 in Vinemount, in the Municipality of Stoney Creek. The original property purchased  was eighty acres, and in 1972, an additional 76 acres were purchased to complete the site as it now stands.

The Hamilton Gun Club has used 22 trap fields on its present site. It has hosted Provincial, Canadian, and Eastern Zone A. T.A. Championships. At one time, there was an international style bunker on the grounds, and trials were held to select the Canadian Team to rep- resent Canada at North American, World, and Olympic Competitions. The Club has also hosted Provincial and Canadian Skeet Championships, and it offers a sporting clays layout as well. During these past 119 years, the Club has remained in continuous operation, due to the effort and contributions of its members.

Our Club is the second oldest continuous operating club in North America.

This information was compiled by Dick Tobin, for a book that was prepared to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Club in 1982.


We are proud to announce that this year is our 140th year anniversary. Successfully providing a safe and fun environment for shooters all around Canada.


H.G.C. members – July 1892 First available minutes are dated August, 1892. Names of most persons in above picture are noted on back of actual picture. Dr. J .E. Overholt, president, is front row centre; his benevolent tenacity for over 50 years is responsible for the club’s century of success. The club is eternally in his debt

Although no indisputable records are available, the club files contain references about the club owing it’s origins to the “Wildfowlers’ Club”, which was also known as the “Wild Mallard Club”.

The club pin shows the date 1882, and it has long been accepted that the year was verified but not recorded in the records available today.
The August 1892 minutes of the HAMILTON GUN CLUB refer to the reading of the previous minutes. These minutes commence a new bound book, so an earlier book must have existed.
The September, 1892 minutes record an approved resolution stating “A member of the Hamilton Gun Club may not be a member of the Wildfowlers’ Club.” It can reasonably be assumed that previous differences occurred and the previous minute book remained in the hands of a dissident member.
Also, occupying a place of honor in the clubhouse is a photograph of HAMILTON GUN CLUB MEMBERS, dated July 1892, showing 18 members in attendance and it is conceivable that all members were not present for the picture, most of the names of these individuals appear on the back of the framed picture. The existing minute book shows the names of 16 persons as members in 1892. This lower number probably reflects the break-up.

The minutes of meetings from August 1892 are uninterrupted so conjecture ceases as of that time. The club was incorporated in 1905.

Visitors will note that the pictures in the clubhouse pay tribute, in general, to the club’s early history. Paying emotional tribute to current short term heroes is viewed as not in keeping with club traditions and current policy.

Since 1975, the club has added one name per year to its Honor Roll, which is recorded on an attractive board in the clubhouse.

Circa 1910. The first clubhouse on club owned land (built 1907)


Dave Troiani – President, NSSA Level 1 Skeet Instructor
[email protected]

Johnny Sibani – Vice President, NSSA Level 1 Skeet Instructor
[email protected]

Dave St. Clair – Treasurer
[email protected]

Warren Mclay – Trap Director
[email protected]

Dan Gris – Trap Director
[email protected]

Peter Manojlovic – Skeet Director, NSSA Level 1 Instructor
[email protected] 

Andrew Polimeni – Sporting Clay Director
[email protected]

Johnathan Monaco – Facilities Director
[email protected]

John Monaco – Facilities Director
[email protected]


Sabina Lawson
[email protected]